Friday, May 27, 2011

The Curious Events of Feet and Rainbow Checkered Patterns... Fading... Into... The Distance...

By Ana and Gabi
Once upon a time, there was a hallway, of rainbow checkered patterns.... Fading... Into... The distance. At the end of the of the endless hall there was a giant rabbit, with big feet (I mean really big feet) and fangs. The rabbit was named Benji-Boo and he was multi-colored so he blended into the walls. In his hand he held a glass of magical toe blood. After he drank his magical toe blood. He decided he was hungry and set off in search of Ana and Gabi. He went down the endless hall to the end where there was a hidden door. To open the door you had to put your pinky toe into the lock and sing Mary Had a Little Lamb. He did so and the door swung open with a bang. He went inside the door. He saw... 
To Be Continued... 
Watch your back and look for the Sequel: The Curious Events of Feet and Rainbow Checkered Patterns... Fading... Into... The Distance... 2.

By: Antoinette and Gabi

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